Domain name, check. Website platform, check. Product or service created, check.
Now it’s time to start making sales online! When you think about it, all of our online content is directing our potential clients and audience to a single place… your website. Then once they get there, you’ve got about .05 seconds to capture their attention or they’re already clicking their way back to Instagram. As an online branding expert, this is where I work my magic, and with my strategies, I’ve helped several women turn their websites into highly converting sales tools. Today I’m going to give you some exclusive insight into my website copywriting and design practices, and how you can implement these tips and tricks into your business today! This is: What Makes a Highly Converting Website

Captivating Headlines
So many of your readers are going to be scanning, looking for information to see if your site is worth their while. Having relevant, captivating headlines to grab their attention is going to pique their interest right off the bat. Don’t waste this space on headlines like: About Me, My Services, Hi, My Name is….
I recommend starting with highlighting what you do, what your transformation is, and or what your brand slogan is. For example, my home page for my website says, “I support women so they can spend less time trying to "figure it out" and more time doing what they love, making money, and shining fucking bright,”. This highlights who I work with, what their pain point is, and my slogan, “shine fucking bright”.
Again, your audience is going to be scanning your website, so you want to make sure you’re using verbiage and words that will “trigger” your reader. I suggest doing some research on your ideal, target audience and get to know what their pain points are. For example, women in online businesses are usually very interested in how to create funnels, how to streamline/automate their business, and how to attract high-paying clients. Whereas makeup artists may be more interested in how to land brand deals with cosmetic companies, how to get more views on their IG Reels or YouTube channel. This will also help with your SEO because if you’re using the same keywords, your content is going to pop up when those clients search for these solutions.
An exercise I recommend is to pretend like you’re an ideal client searching for solutions. Try to put yourself in their shoes and think about if they were going on Pinterest, Google, or YouTube, what would they be searching for? What questions would they ask? Integrate that into your website copy.
Telling a Story
Your audience wants to understand what makes you different. Why you? This is why I recommend figuring out your core story and sharing it on your about page. What is the story that got you started in this business? What was the major transformation in your life that got you here? For example, Jenna Kutcher talks about her $300 Craigslist camera and starting a wedding photography business. Jordan Lee Dooley talks about her SoulScripts Etsy line. Amanda Frances talks about leaving her Ph.D. program for life coaching. What’s YOUR story?
As far as writing about this experience, I recommend telling it in a way that benefits the reader. Position it as a tool for them, rather than an autobiography. Tell them how this transformation makes you different from the rest, and ultimately the perfect person for them.
“F” or “Z” Layout
Statistically, an “F” or “Z” layout for your homepage and sales pages is the best to captivate the attention of the reader. Put all action items on the right side of the page, as it’s natural for people to read left to right, and they expect to have the ending or solution sitting on the left side. Also, put photos and headlines on the right side to encourage the reader to keep making their way down the page.
Interactive Content
It’s a good idea to make your website an experience, so adding interactive activities and game-like content encourages the viewer to stay longer and click through your content. A few ideas are:
Creating a quiz to capture email addresses.
Designing your “about” page in a Cosmo Quiz format.
Having a slideshow with your photos and/or services.
Having video and audio elements.
There you have it! Just a few of my tips for what makes a highly converting website! Now if you’re looking at your website and thinking, “damn, this WHOLE thing needs work” Or if you simply don’t have the time to give your brand a digital facelift, that’s where I come in!
I have a done-for-you website package that takes care of the copy, SEO, and design for your home page, about page, and sales page! I’m an online branding expert and I specialize with women in business. I’ve helped coaches, health professionals, authors, brick and mortar stores, photographers, bloggers, you name it! I love bringing your brand and vision to life!
For more information about my website package, check out all the details here, and inquire on the website!
I would love to work with you!
