Did you know that talking about yourself could actually be what converts your potential clients into paying customers? I know right!?
Here’s how to do it 🔽
Hook the reader
Boldly address their #1 pain point. Think of an issue that your ideal client faces that they would want to be rid of ASAP. This will automatically trigger them and hook them into reading more.
For example:
REALTOR: Do you really want to waste another $24,000 this year on rent?
SPRAY TAN OR MAKEUP ARTIST: There’s always that one girl who’s bright orange in the wedding photos.
COACH: Your DREAM opportunity just came knocking, but you had to say “no” because of work.
This technique is meant to show them that you understand their needs better than anyone else. Building trust right off the bat.
Bring yourself onto the stage with a relatable experience
Now is your time to introduce yourself, and the best way to do that is to tell a personal, relatable story that addresses the pain point that you just described.
Keep your story within 3-5 short paragraphs that address a beginning, middle, and an end. This should be a representation of how you experienced the pain point, found a solution, and came out on the other side, ready to help others do the same.
Example: REALTOR
I remember clearly that I was sitting in my room one night, in my apartment that wasn’t in the best area of town. My refrigerator leaked, sirens were blaring every hour, and I had just killed ANOTHER cockroach… ew. On top of all that, I just realized that I had wasted, in total, over $72,000 in rent over the past 4 years.
For a cramped, rundown apartment that I didn’t even like. That was the moment I decided I was going to buy my first property.
The next day I started researching and discovered that I could buy a home with a minimal down payment, and my mortgage would be LESS than what I was paying in rent! Mind = BLOWN!
I bought that first home for $150,000, and today it’s worth $200,000. My home is an investment in myself and my future. When I pay my monthly mortgage I know that I am putting the money back into myself, and I’ve never had to feel that strain of “wasting money” EVER again.
This experience was so profound and so meaningful to my life that I went and got my license so that I could share that enlightenment with as many people as I possibly could.
Stop getting raked by the system and start investing in your financial future.
Wrap it up by telling the reader your "why"
What drives you to show up every day? What kind of results can they expect from you? This is your chance to really shine a light on your accomplishments and best qualities.
For example:
REALTOR: Talk about your integrity, how many homes you’ve sold, your relationship with your past clients, your reviews.
As a branding expert, any opportunity to connect with your ideal client CAN be a sales opportunity and a chance to convert. I hope you found these tips helpful!
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